Jacky Kimiko

Rediscovering art and life

  • A visit to the local library leads to alternative cures for anxiety.

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  • With the recent Olympics, I find myself revisiting the concept of discipline. We encounter discipline everywhere, every day. When we visit the dentist’s office for some serious dental work, in published books or YouTuber videos, in the work of nonprofits working to improve the lives of whole communities, in the ease with which Olympic athletes…

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  • [A true story.] We met while crossing a street in Little Italy. As I stepped onto the curb in front of a 7-Eleven, I heard someone ask a question.

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  • Do you ever feel irked by something someone said to you? It throws you off so you don’t know what to say. After their words have steeped in your mind for a few hours, you finally come up with a biting response. But by then, it’s too late and you’re feeling petty for having been…

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  • Relationships can become stale sometimes. All you talk about is work. You eat dinner in front of a screen and end up binge-watching shows. You don’t have anything to look forward to. Have you tried reading science fiction together?

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  • My beloved A tells me that I expound on the past too much: “I wish I had done this” or “if only life hadn’t gone this way.” My biggest complaint as of late is that I’ve spent too much of my life doing things that I don’t like to do.

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